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Prepare for MOVE

Each person (youth and leaders) will have an individual medical release/consent form to complete. Each leader should sign the individual Child Protection disclosure form. The overall leader in charge of your group should also sign the Group Child Protection Verification form. All these forms will be circulated through your group leader and are completed online ahead of MOVE.

  • Respect others, yourself, and the school property. Treat others and the grounds like how you would want to be treated.
  • No boys in girls’ dorms and vice versa.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, vaping, drugs, and weapons are absolutely prohibited
  • Everyone must be in their dorms by the designated “In Dorm Time”.
  • Please follow the schedule. Be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there.
  • Please do not leave the auditorium once the speakers begin talking.
  • Respect the school campus – any damage will be paid for by your church and your parents/guardians.
  • Please do not move furniture and rearrange the furniture unless permission is given.
  • No food deliveries of any kind to the campus.
  • Young people are not allowed to leave the campus unless in emergency and ONLY with adult supervision; those staying behind must have an adult present.
  • Sleeping Bag (sheets, pillows, and pillowcases will be provided)
  • Clothing for five days, including travel time
  • Personal toiletry items
  • Towel
  • Bible
  • Notebook and pen/pencil
  • Sun cream
  • Prescription medication
  • Money for travel, the MOVE Store/ Tuck Shop, offering, etc
  • Sports clothing/old clothes for sports and water activities
  • Swimming costume and swim hat (Swim hat needed for pool)
  • Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc
  • Refrigerators, TV’s

We Believe that small group conversations are a critical part of your young people’s experience at MOVE. CONVOS is a CIY APP designed to help you maximise the discussion, participation and community that comes from a quality small group time.

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