We Believe that small group conversations are a critical part of your young people’s experience at MOVE.
CONVOS is a CIY APP designed to help you maximise the discussion, participation and community that comes from a quality small group time.
We call youth to Christ and into a life of Kingdom Work through His Church.
We Believe that small group conversations are a critical part of your young people’s experience at MOVE.
CONVOS is a CIY APP designed to help you maximise the discussion, participation and community that comes from a quality small group time.
The ideal number for each Small Group this summer is 8 to 10 people. While it’s not mandatory, groups of five or fewer might want to think about joining with another group of similar size, and groups larger than 15 should consider splitting into two groups, if possible.
All of the CONVOS that you’ll need for the week will be in the CIY CONVOS app. You will be given a code in the days leading up to your event that will allow you to access them. Make sure at least one adult per small group has downloaded the CIY CONVOS app and entered the access code.
Everyone in the group will have a chance to lead the conversation, so make sure the adult leader has a device they don’t mind passing around to the group. It’s also a good idea to make sure notifications are turned off and that the device is charged before you begin!
After the Morning Session, and after your group has completed their SELAH time, gather together and have one adult leader open the CIY CONVOS app and select the topic for the day.
CONVOS will then allow your young people to lead a discussion using three different components:
tells participants when to hand the device
to someone else in the group.
prompts participants in different ways to engage
the group in conversation.
pass the device around to allow young people to give
feedback that will inform the discussion.
Each person is responsible for leading the group through the prompt they are given. CONVOS will tell you when your small group time together is finished.
Look over the CONVOS beforehand each day. Previewing the content will help you be prepared to lead your group beyond what the experience naturally provides.
Have fun! Don’t take yourself too seriously. You set the tone for the rest of the group.
Pray for Jesus to use your Small Group time and to speak to you and the group through this experience.
Pay attention to what your young people are saying. Listen for good opportunities to ask questions and allow the group to explain further what they’re thinking.
Show your appreciation when they open up or take a risk by sharing something.
Take pictures and post updates for your church and families. Be sure to use your event hashtag, which will be posted at Adult Leader Meeting!